Thursday, July 3, 2008

Mothers Day Flowers

These tulips were so beautiful!!! I wanted to capture their color and the warm fuzzy feeling I hve when I look at them. Melinda and Her family sent them to me from Germany. In the background you can see the yellow roses that Val gave me for Mothers day--He is just the sweetest man ever. I also was suprized with a lovely orchid to wear to church. It lasted for the rest of the month, I wore it every week until June.
The next picture of flowers have special meaning as well and the story will appear next to it.

1 comment:

The Terry Clan said...

They are nice flowers and the vase is cute too!! I am glad you liked them! We sure do miss being around to celebrate all the holidays!! Miss you TONS!!And I am so excited that you have a blog!! YEA!!!